Include a XSLT stylesheet: Normally an XML sitemap just looks like a XML document, which is hard to read by humans. The plugin comes with a special stylesheet, which makes it more readable. Just keep the “use default” option checked to use it, or enter the full URL to your own stylesheet if you want to use another one. Please make sure it is on the same domain!
然后用wget 把sitemap.xml下载下来看了下。
wget zskyer.com/sitemap.xml
发现其中sitemap.xsl是使用的七牛镜像的xsl文件,我并没有绑定自己的域名到七牛的空间,也就是域名使用七牛的二级域名,显然违反了上面的使用说明了。所以就到WP Super Cache中将CDN添加.xsl格式的排除。
.php, .xsl
Google (XML) Sitemap Generator Plugin Help
转载请注明: 转载自elkPi.com
本文链接地址: 解决sitamap.xml使用chrome浏览出现白屏的现象